We all know that the teen years can be a challenging and confusing time both for teens and for their parents! First there is our sexualized culture! Then young people hear a lot of conflicting messages: “Just Say No!” “Just Do It!” “Just Practice Safe Sex!” What’s a kid supposed to think?

Often missing is a real discussion about what it means to love someone, and why that means starting with LOVING YOURSELF. The popular culture promotes living for the here and now, but what about making sure that having fun doesn’t sabotage your future goals in life, including having a lasting love relationship someday with someone who is also committed to you?

The LoveSmarts Teen Seminar explores many of these questions in a fun and engaging way. It is taught by Linda Doering, who has taught the world-renowned Relationship Intelligence Training curriculum to more than 50,000 youth in the U.S. and internationally as well.

Attending the LoveSmarts Teen Seminar on Saturday, Feb. 24, may be the best investment you will ever make! Avoid headaches and heartaches by learning from the mistakes OF OTHERS, instead of your own!

Cosponsored by the Institute for Relationship Intelligence and the Freedom, Faith and Family Coalition. Register by 2/19/24 at www.LoveSmarts.org.