
400th Thanksgiving National Prayer

At a time when our freedoms and values are under attack, open to all who want to affirm the vision of the Pilgrims who came to a new continent in search of God-given freedoms and prayed with gratitude and hope 400 years ago. We will have live video from Plymouth Rock this Thanksgiving morning. RSVP Today

2021-11-09T05:59:32+00:00November 9th, 2021|Prayer|2 Comments

Community Prayer Breakfast featuring Tom Ryan

Tom Ryan gave a powerful testimony at Saturday’s Freedom Faith and Family Coalition prayer breakfast about his experience as a 19 year old soldier in the Vietnam War and the Post Traumatic Stress he continues to experience decades later. Through it all, his wife Debbie stayed at his side for 50 years.

2020-08-30T00:48:43+00:00August 29th, 2020|Prayer|0 Comments