On Friday, October 8th, patriots from northeast PA as well as international visitors concerned about the loss of freedom in their nations, gathered to hear a powerful lineup of conservative speakers during the 3rd annual “Save the Nation Conference,” which was held at the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland.  

Former CIA operations officer Sam Faddis spoke about the impact of 2020 election irregularities on our national political discourse going forwards. Cheryl Chumley, Managing Editor of The Washington Times Online edition, discussed the need for all of us to speak out against the leftist attack on our freedoms and to pass onto our children a knowledge of the Biblical worldview and American history.

Local Our Town publishers Bob and Dorothy Bierle pitched us on their efforts to launch the Second Church of the Immaculate Constitution. Republican candidate for Pennsylvania Lt. Governor Rick Saccone discussed how America’s moral decline is in direct correlation to our separation from God. 8th Congressional District for Congress Teddy Daniels inveighed against the leftist narrative, saying “the insurrection took place on November 3, not January 6. Never in the history of the world has an unarmed group gathered to protest been called an Insurrection.” As Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense, “if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so my children won’t have to fight.”   

Dr. John Lott, founder/director of the Crime Prevention Research Center, explained how gun control makes it more difficult for low-income citizens to obtain firearms to protect their businesses and their families. He stated, “you end up disarming the most vulnerable people, law-abiding citizens. This makes it easier for criminals to commit crimes. It’s law-abiding people who turn in their guns, not criminals.”

Founder of the 2019 Movement, Dr. Joseph Green, gave a fascinating talk about honoring and protecting “God’s DNA.” He explained, “we are in a fight for the image of God. We are being reconciled back to God’s original plan and purpose. As we are procreating, we are promoting the image of the Creator.” Leftists, who want to divide the races and undermine the institution of natural marriage, must be confronted. 

Pastor Gary Haskell, Senior Pastor of the Jackson Baptist Church, decried the fact that there are still Americans abandoned by the Biden administration in Afghanistan. Many preachers are afraid to clearly speak about the sins of our leaders.  If we persevere during these difficult times, God will be with us. 

Rev. Dan Fisher, author of “Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment,” spoke movingly about the ministers who galvanized support for the American Revolution among their congregants and in many cases, led them into battle. 

Rev. Dr. Robert Walters, pastor of Johnson Baptist Church, stated “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” When the Puritans arrived on land in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, they kneeled down and thanked God. Elites in the United States are controlling the dominant narrative in our nation, but there is a higher power that we must honor and defend. 

The conference was ably led by the Mistress of Ceremonies, Kellyann Pidgeon, founder of Armed and Feminine. Many participants expressed their appreciation for the knowledge gained that day and their determination to do their part to “save the nation!”