

The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It

The decline in reported crimes is a function of less reporting, not less crime.

News outlets claim that Americans mistakenly believe violent crime is rising. A Gallup survey last year found that 92% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats thought crime was increasing. A February Rasmussen Reports survey found that, by a 4.7-to-1 margin, likely voters say violent crime in the U.S. is getting worse (61%), not better (13%).

Americans aren’t mistaken. News reports fail to take into account that many victims aren’t reporting crimes to the police, especially since the pandemic.

The U.S. has two measures of crime. The Federal Bureau […]

May 8th, 2024|News Articles|0 Comments

International LoveSmarts Teen Seminar LiveCast

The LoveSmarts Teen Seminar held on 2/24/24 in Matamoras, PA was also livestreamed to groups in Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, the Philippines and around the U.S.

It was presented by Linda Doering, who has taught more than 50,000 youth in the U.S. and internationally about the benefits of delaying sexual involvement, setting and aiming for your chosen life goals and avoiding risky behaviors.

Here are some of the comments by those attending in person.

As a Mom, (it made me feel) proud of myself for being firm and pushing abstinence with my daughter! The presenter was amazing! I would love for this to be taught in […]

April 13th, 2024|News Articles|0 Comments


In this video Greg Stenstrom reviews election fraud in Delaware County, PA from 2020 thru 2023. 20 counties in the U.S. can change the outcome of the national election.

In their book, The Parallel Election, he and Leah Hoopes discussed how, of the 64 national cases alleging election fraud, 20 were simply dismissed. Of the remaining cases none went into trial. The only evidence allowed to be submitted was a “risk-limiting audit” in which 1-2% of the votes are run through a scanner and compared with a hand count, which only proves that the scanner is working.

In […]

August 3rd, 2023|News Articles|0 Comments

Wake up to the CCP Threat

On December 8, Freedom Faith and Family Coalition supporters attended an alarming, but eye-opening event in Middletown, NY called “Wake Up to the CCP Threat.”

Speakers included

Sean Ling, from the Committee on the Present Danger- China. 

Chris Chappell, America Uncovered youtube channel with 2 million followers.

Kay Rubacek, author of Who Are China’s Walking Dead? and producer of “Hard to Believe: a documentary about the killing of prisoners of conscience for their organs in China.” Her family fled Communism in Russia and China

Sean Ling explained that as a student, he participated in the Tiananmen Square demonstrations in 1989. In 1999 a senior […]

December 16th, 2022|News Articles|0 Comments

The Fall of the Wall around Religious Education

If the past two years have taught us anything as a society, it is that American schoolchildren should not be held hostage by a public-education monopoly that is unable to keep schools open, safe, competent, or free of indoctrination in left-wing fads and anti-American lies. Many of the parents voting with their feet to take their children out of public schools have an additional urgent interest on their minds: They want their children schooled in their faith, and in the values informed by their faith.

Ideally, public money for education at every level should follow the student, not the institution. The […]

June 26th, 2022|News Articles|2 Comments


“The People’s Convoy” departed from Adelento Stadium in Southern California on February 23, 2022 and will travel throughout the nation, converging on the DC area around March 5. Here is their declaration of purpose.


“We the People of the United States, in Order to restore our once perfect Union, re-establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense of all, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, do ordain and establish the restoration movement of The People’s Convoy for the United States of America.”


February 23rd, 2022|Current Events|1 Comment