
About Kyo Uchida

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So far Kyo Uchida has created 34 blog entries.


by Marie Koh

Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In Charge Ted Gunderson warned about the growing influence of satanic related crimes in America through The Gunderson Report, a 25 year research into unresolved cases involving horrific satanic child rituals.

A declassified FBI file released last year reveals the Mc Martin case and the Finders case that have been kept secret from public view since the 1970’s and 1980’s. These reports expose the criminality of satanic cults, ritual child sex abuse, human sacrifice, human trafficking, child pornography, and mind-control psyops experimented on children. But as horrific as these crimes are, the most damning ones, are those being committed through our own justice system, by our Central Intelligence Agencies, the FBI, other intelligence companies and their connections with people of power in government, the Justice Department, the immigration system, the Military Industrial Complex, the education system, in medical science, the elite class, terrorist organizations, socialist and communist agendas foreign and domestic. There is an active criminal enterprise embedded within our governmental apparatus that is far-reaching and ongoing in America today and around the world.

The Original Investigation of the Finders Group:

The search for the Finders Group began when six unkept and bug bitten children […]

2020-08-15T22:39:24+00:00August 4th, 2020|News Articles|0 Comments

Sheriff David Clarke on 
“Ready for Battle in 2020?”

Following is a report by Carol Pociencha Palm about Sheriff David Clarke’s talk to Republican Women’s Club of Waukesha County, Wisconsin on December 2, 2019

Download the PDF

Sheriff David Clarke talked about touring the country with Trump in 2016. He said it’s important to communicate a vision that people start to see not just hear, people have to see what you are talking about. When that happens you have resonated with them, you have connected with them and they will go along for the ride.

He was elected 4 times in a hard-core democratic county (Milwaukee) as a conservative.

Washington DC is a mess, a sewer… He worked for America First promoting the President’s policies. He moved to DC, but it’s nothing but traffic jams. He also traveled around the country… he was welcomed everywhere by conservatives. He left DC, was on Fox TV a lot, he wasn’t being paid for that.  He was told Fox ratings went up when he was on for interviews. Bill Shine asked him to join Fox. But the Murdocks took over and they are liberal.

Now, Sheriff Clarke writes a conservative blog on his website. He has taken on the building the wall, the illegal immigration situation […]

2019-12-07T16:46:12+00:00December 7th, 2019|News Articles|1 Comment

What fifty years of no-fault divorce has gotten us

By Beverly Willett
Courtesy of Washington Examiner

Until sued for divorce, many spouses have no idea they can be divorced without cause and against their will.

I’m a lawyer and I, too, was in the dark right up until my husband left. So why is this violation of the U.S. Constitution that has shattered innocent lives not on the agenda of any candidate running for high office?

Fifty years ago this summer in 1969, California Governor Ronald Reagan signed the first no-fault divorce statute into law. Since then, all states have enacted similar legislation. Despite early applause from lawmakers that these laws would serve couples, they have negatively altered the landscape of marriage and family in the United States and violated the U.S. Constitution.

The 14th Amendment mandates that no person be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. The Amendment’s procedural protections include the plaintiff’s obligation to assert grounds, the defendant’s right to be heard, including the right to cross-examine and call witnesses, and offer evidence, and the right to impartial decision-making. But spouses sued for divorce have no right to their day in court. No weighing of evidence takes place. Only one spouse need allege, […]

2019-08-14T03:58:40+00:00August 13th, 2019|Washington Examiner|0 Comments

There’s No Correlation Between Gun Ownership, Mass Shootings, and Murder Rates

By Ryan McMaken
Courtesy of Mises Institute

While I was fact checking today’s Mises Daily article, I checked some correlation coefficients of my own so I didn’t have to rely on Volokh’s numbers as my only source.

I approached the data a little differently than Volokh did and instead of using a subjective ranking by an organization like the Brady organization, I just looked at the rate of gun ownership in the state. After all, the argument is often that more guns and more gun owners leads to more violence.

So, I looked at the correlation between the gun ownership rate (a percentage on the x axis) and the murder rate (n per 100,000 on the y axis) in each state. The visual result is this:


As you can see, there is no correlation. In fact, if you run the numbers, the correlations coefficient is 0.1, which suggests a negligible correlation, or none at all. The murder data is 2012 data from the Justice Department. The gun ownership rate data is from a 2015 report called “Gun ownership and social gun culture.”

Just for good measure, I also went in and looked for a […]

2019-08-12T19:38:21+00:00August 12th, 2019|Mises Institute|0 Comments

Don’t Let Google Get Away With Censorship

Big tech companies enjoy legal immunity premised on the assumption they’ll respect free speech.

By Dennis Prager
Courtesy of Wall Street Journal

There is an understandable reluctance among conservatives to allow the government to pass any laws governing big technology companies as a result of their hostility to conservative voices. These conservatives, citing the fundamental American belief in limited government, argue that whatever the big tech companies do, they are not the government. Constitutional guarantees of free speech do not apply to private companies.

This is correct.

But the issue is much more complex. I was asked to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on this matter for two reasons. One is the size of my website, Prager University, which gets a billion views a year, the majority of which come from viewers under 35. The more important reason is that YouTube, which is owned by Google, has at various times placed about 100 of our videos on its restricted list. That means any home, institution or individual using a filter to block pornography and violence cannot see those videos. Nor can any school or library.

PragerU releases a five-minute video every week. As of this writing, 56 of its 320 videos […]

2019-08-09T18:33:39+00:00August 6th, 2019|Wall Street Journal|1 Comment

Yale’s Gelernter: To Challenge Darwinism Is to “Take Your Life in Your Hands”

By David Klinghoffer
Courtesy of Evolution News

At The College Fix, editor Jennifer Kabbany takes note of Yale polymath David Gelernter’s interview with Peter Robinson, in which Stephen Meyer and David Berlinski also participated. The conversation followed Gelernter’s public admission of having rejected Darwinian theory. Kabbany highlights what Gelernter had to say about academic freedom. Good. College students need to understand this.

“An Ideological Bent”

From “Famed Yale computer science professor quits believing Darwin’s theories”:

Gelernter said an ideological bent has taken over the field of science. There are good scientists doing good work, “but we have a cautionary tale in what happened to our English departments and our history departments could happen to us, God forbid,” he said.

Gelernter said he likes many of his colleagues at Yale, that they are his friends, but when he looks at “their intellectual behavior, what they have published — and much more importantly what they tell their students — Darwinism has indeed passed beyond a scientific argument as far as they are concerned. You take your life in your hands to challenge it intellectually. They will destroy you if you challenge it.”

“Now, I haven’t been destroyed, I am not a biologist, and I […]

2019-08-09T18:35:24+00:00August 5th, 2019|Evolution News|0 Comments

The Fire at Notre-Dame

By Hamish Robertson
Courtesy of Rod of Iron Ministries

The fire at Notre-Dame, 15th April, was the most shocking event to happen to France since the French government surrendered to Hitler and the evil, boastful power of Nazi Germany in 1940. General De Gaulle fled to London and raised the flag for Free France, France libre. He was not smiling, but he promised that France would become free again.

This time, as President Emmanuel Macron walked with his prime-minister, Edouard Philippe, towards the frightful conflagration, they were caught on video-film, smirking. The video can be seen on internet. The prime-minister was saying something behind his hand. The president was finding it difficult to suppress his smile. Macron, a while later, took on the role of saviour of France, and said that he would restore Notre Dame in five years. The French minister of the interior, Christophe Castanaer, explained that “Notre-Dame n’est pas une cathédrale, c’est notre commun,” “Notre-Dame is not a cathedral, it is our common (asset).”

The first part of Castanaer’s comment sounds ridiculous, but it is true. Notre-Dame does not belong to the Catholic Church. It has belonged to the French state since 1905, like other French cathedrals. […]

2019-08-08T07:03:32+00:00May 1st, 2019|Rod of Iron Ministries|0 Comments

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common

By Mark Meckler
Courtesy of Patheos

Suzanne Venker’s recent opinion piece on FoxNews is very, very important, because she points out that almost all of the most recent deadly mass shooters have one thing in common: fatherlessness.

She begins by pointing out a tweet after the terrible shooting in Florida last week. Actor and comedian Michael Ian Black began a series of tweets in this way, “Deeper even than the gun problem is this: boys are broken.”

Venker goes on to describe how his “tweet storm” strayed from the truth:

Unfortunately, Black quickly veered off course. “Men don’t have the language to understand masculinity as anything other than some version of a caveman because no language exists…The language of masculinity is hopelessly entwined with sexuality, and the language of sexuality in hopelessly entwined with power, agency, and self-worth…To step outside those norms is to take a risk most of us are afraid to take. As a result, a lot of guys spend their lives terrified…We’re terrified of being viewed as something other than men. We know ourselves to be men, but don’t know how to be our whole selves. A lot of us (me included) either shut off […]

2019-08-09T18:37:03+00:00February 20th, 2019|Patheos|0 Comments

Beyond Brexit: The EU’s Military Union

By Marie Koh
Courtesy of Rod of Iron Ministries

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

 Jeremiah 17:9-10

What is really going on with Brexit? What is the big deal with Theresa May’s Brexit plan, or better still, is there even one to begin with?

Her government likes to throw out words like, ‘a deep and special partnership’, ‘cooperation’ and ‘relationship’. Feeling warm and cozy yet? The question is, ‘a special partnership’ with whom or what exactly?

According to a 5 year research report produced by David Ellis and his team from the Strategic Defense Initiative, members of the Royal Marines, veterans and UK Column reporters; what we are really dealing with here is something called Military Union, European Military Unification into a Military Union. A long-term plan designed to bind all operational budgets, capital budgets, policy, industry, officer training and all other public services such as the police, security, intelligence and so on under a European Union umbrella.

This is important to the European […]

2019-08-08T06:47:38+00:00January 28th, 2019|Rod of Iron Ministries|0 Comments