News Articles

The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Don’t Believe It

The decline in reported crimes is a function of less reporting, not less crime.

News outlets claim that Americans mistakenly believe violent crime is rising. A Gallup survey last year found that 92% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats thought crime was increasing. A February Rasmussen Reports survey found that, by a 4.7-to-1 margin, likely voters say violent crime in the U.S. is getting worse (61%), not better (13%).

Americans aren’t mistaken. News reports fail to take into account that many victims aren’t reporting crimes to the police, especially since the pandemic.

The U.S. has two measures of crime. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting program counts the number of crimes reported to police every year. The Bureau of Justice Statistics, in its National Crime Victimization Survey, asks about 240,000 people a year whether they have been victims of a crime. The two measures have diverged since 2020: The FBI has been reporting less crime, while more people say they have been victims.

The divergence is due to several reasons. In 2022, 31% of police departments nationwide, including Los Angeles and New York, didn’t report crime data to the FBI. In addition, in cities from Baltimore to Nashville, the FBI is undercounting crimes […]

2024-05-09T03:56:58+00:00May 8th, 2024|News Articles|0 Comments

International LoveSmarts Teen Seminar LiveCast

The LoveSmarts Teen Seminar held on 2/24/24 in Matamoras, PA was also livestreamed to groups in Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, the Philippines and around the U.S.

It was presented by Linda Doering, who has taught more than 50,000 youth in the U.S. and internationally about the benefits of delaying sexual involvement, setting and aiming for your chosen life goals and avoiding risky behaviors.

Here are some of the comments by those attending in person.

As a Mom, (it made me feel) proud of myself for being firm and pushing abstinence with my daughter! The presenter was amazing! I would love for this to be taught in the local school district!” L.M., parent in Milford, PA

(I learned) many beneficial points that I, as a 24-year-old female, can use in daily practice to have a better life and steps to gain faithful and healthy relationships. E. Greene, Jersey City, NJ

I found the teaching about saying no and setting boundaries to be very useful! Also, be careful who you’re around and to save sex until marriage. The teaching about STDs was gross, but also helpful. I’ll use what I learned to guide me to my future success! Lyriq, 13, Newark, NJ

(read rest of article at

2024-04-13T18:24:29+00:00April 13th, 2024|News Articles|0 Comments


In this video Greg Stenstrom reviews election fraud in Delaware County, PA from 2020 thru 2023. 20 counties in the U.S. can change the outcome of the national election.

In their book, The Parallel Election, he and Leah Hoopes discussed how, of the 64 national cases alleging election fraud, 20 were simply dismissed. Of the remaining cases none went into trial. The only evidence allowed to be submitted was a “risk-limiting audit” in which 1-2% of the votes are run through a scanner and compared with a hand count, which only proves that the scanner is working.

In contrast, in a forensic audit, you check into where the ballots came from, which was never done in any of these cases. The bottom line of election fraud is: “They substitute fake ballots for real ballots.”

Greg and Leah’s lawsuit regarding documented election fraud in Delaware County, PA is one of two remaining cases nationwide from the 2020 election which have not been resolved yet.

For more info, go to or

2023-08-03T10:51:46+00:00August 3rd, 2023|News Articles|0 Comments

Wake up to the CCP Threat

On December 8, Freedom Faith and Family Coalition supporters attended an alarming, but eye-opening event in Middletown, NY called “Wake Up to the CCP Threat.”

Speakers included

Sean Ling, from the Committee on the Present Danger- China. 

Chris Chappell, America Uncovered youtube channel with 2 million followers.

Kay Rubacek, author of Who Are China’s Walking Dead? and producer of “Hard to Believe: a documentary about the killing of prisoners of conscience for their organs in China.” Her family fled Communism in Russia and China

Sean Ling explained that as a student, he participated in the Tiananmen Square demonstrations in 1989. In 1999 a senior Chinese colonel wrote a plan called “Unrestricted Warfare,” which includes such things as shipping fentanyl via Mexico and spreading Covid 19 as a bioweapon around the world, heightened nationalism, industrial warfare through manipulating the supply chain, bribing Wall Street and information warfare, and spying through TikToc. Reports from CNN and the New York Times on the death of Zang Zemin actually praised a man who organized the organ harvesting industry in China.

Many CCP elites suddenly became rich with “privatization” of companies. Now we see demonstrations in Shanghai openly calling for the CCP to step down. They have locked down the […]

2022-12-30T22:38:52+00:00December 16th, 2022|News Articles|0 Comments

The Fall of the Wall around Religious Education

If the past two years have taught us anything as a society, it is that American schoolchildren should not be held hostage by a public-education monopoly that is unable to keep schools open, safe, competent, or free of indoctrination in left-wing fads and anti-American lies. Many of the parents voting with their feet to take their children out of public schools have an additional urgent interest on their minds: They want their children schooled in their faith, and in the values informed by their faith.

Ideally, public money for education at every level should follow the student, not the institution. The public-education bureaucracy, out of both self-interest and ideological desire to retain its captive audience, has long wielded the establishment clause of the First Amendment against religious parents, demanding that they — and they alone — must choose between the school of their choice and the public support that every other student receives. Using the language of the Burger Court’s much-derided Lemon test, which ventured far from the original understanding of the Bill of Rights, the educrats have argued that it is unconstitutional to have any “entanglement” between government and religious schools. In this telling, substituting a letter by Thomas Jefferson […]

2022-06-27T00:01:41+00:00June 26th, 2022|News Articles|2 Comments

Flight 93 Voice Recording on 9/11/2001 “Let’s Roll!”

Flight 93 Voice Recording on 9/11/2001 “Let’s Roll!” - Freedom, Faith and Family Coalition - We hold these truths to be self-evidentTodd Beamer (November 24, 1968 – September 11, 2001) was an American man aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked and crashed as part of the September 11 attacks in 2001. He was one of the passengers who attempted to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers. During the struggle, the Boeing 757 lost control and crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board, but saving the hijackers’ intended target, likely the U.S. Capitol and additional victims.

Todd: Hello… Operator…listen to me…I can’t speak very loud. – This is an emergency. I’m a passenger on a United flight to San Francisco..  We have a situation here…
Our plane has been hijacked…..can you understand me?

Lisa: (exhaling a deep breath to herself) I understand… Can the hijackers see you talking on the phone?

Todd: No

Lisa: Can you tell me how many hijackers are on the plane?

Todd: There are three that we know of.

Lisa: Can you see any weapons? What kind of weapons do they have?

Todd: Yes…. they don’t have guns….they have knives – they took over the plane with knives.

Lisa: Do you mean…like steak knives?

Todd: No, these are razor knives…like box cutters.

Lisa: Can you tell what country these people are from?

Todd: […]

2021-11-09T05:55:26+00:00September 12th, 2021|News Articles|4 Comments


by Marie Koh

Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In Charge Ted Gunderson warned about the growing influence of satanic related crimes in America through The Gunderson Report, a 25 year research into unresolved cases involving horrific satanic child rituals.

A declassified FBI file released last year reveals the Mc Martin case and the Finders case that have been kept secret from public view since the 1970’s and 1980’s. These reports expose the criminality of satanic cults, ritual child sex abuse, human sacrifice, human trafficking, child pornography, and mind-control psyops experimented on children. But as horrific as these crimes are, the most damning ones, are those being committed through our own justice system, by our Central Intelligence Agencies, the FBI, other intelligence companies and their connections with people of power in government, the Justice Department, the immigration system, the Military Industrial Complex, the education system, in medical science, the elite class, terrorist organizations, socialist and communist agendas foreign and domestic. There is an active criminal enterprise embedded within our governmental apparatus that is far-reaching and ongoing in America today and around the world.

The Original Investigation of the Finders Group:

The search for the Finders Group began when six unkept and bug bitten children […]

2020-08-15T22:39:24+00:00August 4th, 2020|News Articles|0 Comments

Sheriff David Clarke on 
“Ready for Battle in 2020?”

Following is a report by Carol Pociencha Palm about Sheriff David Clarke’s talk to Republican Women’s Club of Waukesha County, Wisconsin on December 2, 2019

Download the PDF

Sheriff David Clarke talked about touring the country with Trump in 2016. He said it’s important to communicate a vision that people start to see not just hear, people have to see what you are talking about. When that happens you have resonated with them, you have connected with them and they will go along for the ride.

He was elected 4 times in a hard-core democratic county (Milwaukee) as a conservative.

Washington DC is a mess, a sewer… He worked for America First promoting the President’s policies. He moved to DC, but it’s nothing but traffic jams. He also traveled around the country… he was welcomed everywhere by conservatives. He left DC, was on Fox TV a lot, he wasn’t being paid for that.  He was told Fox ratings went up when he was on for interviews. Bill Shine asked him to join Fox. But the Murdocks took over and they are liberal.

Now, Sheriff Clarke writes a conservative blog on his website. He has taken on the building the wall, the illegal immigration situation […]

2019-12-07T16:46:12+00:00December 7th, 2019|News Articles|1 Comment